Journal of Counselor Practice
The Journal of Counselor Practice (JCP), is a peer-reviewed national publication, published by the Ohio Counseling Association. The JCP is targeted to meet the needs of professional school and mental health counselors across all specialty areas and contains a wide scope of professional manuscripts. Membership to the Ohio Counseling Association includes access to the JCP in the members-only section of the OCA website.Visit the JCP website for auther guidelines, past issues and contact information. Call for Manuscripts The JCP editorial board cordially invites original manuscripts related to theory, research or practice in professional school and mental health counseling. Manuscripts are sent out for a blind peer-review upon receipt. The review process takes two to three months. Only original manuscripts not under consideration by another publisher will be considered. Manuscripts and style formats must conform to the guidelines in the latest edition of the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association.