2024-2025 OCA Leadership
The governance board of OCA comprises of the President, President-Elect, Past President, Secretary, Treasurer, and a voting representative from each Chapter and Division. The position of President is the only elected position on the board, and elections for President are held every year. The position of Secretary and Treasurer are appointed. Each Chapter and Division of OCA has one appointed voting representative. The governing board meets quarterly to discuss the operations and goals of OCA.
Executive BoardPresident: Michael LewisPresident-Elect: Carmella HillPast-President: Sherdene SimpsonSecretary: Annaleise FisherSupport TeamExecutive Director: Amy Barcelo
Conference Planner: Dwight Loken
Lobbyists: Amanda Sines & Rachel Ehresman
| Chapter PresidentsCentral Ohio (COCA): Andrew Woody East Ohio (EOCA): Amanda Cole Greater Cincinnati (GCCA): Jim Hightower Miami Valley (MVCA): James Edwards-Kenion North Central (NCOCA): Amber Schrade Northwest (NWOCA): Joni Hill South East (SEOCA): Nancy Baur Division PresidentsACAC Ohio: Kailey Bradley OACES: Chase Morgan-Swaney OACPP: Scott Hall
OAMCD: Adrianne Johnson
OARTC: Rosie Bauder
OASERVIC: Fawn Gordon
OASGW: Kaitlyn Peterson
OCCA: Andrew Kirsop
OCSJ: Shanice Lockhart
OMHCA: Adrianne Johnson, Kenna White
OSUDP: Martina Moore
SAIGEO: Grey Nelei | Committee Chairs & LiaisonsAwards Chair: DoHee Kim-Appel Chapter & Division Mentor: Sherdene Simpson
Diversity, Equity, Inclusion & Cultural Dignity Chair: Patrice Callery
Ethics Liaison: Sherdene Simpson
Finance Committee: Alma Moore
Government Relations Co-Chairs: Stephanie Drcar & Sean Gorby
Graduate Student Co-Chairs: Nora Flanagan & Alexandria Argenti-Gibb
Insurance Advocacy Chair: Derek Lee
Journal of Counselor Practice Editor: Varunee Faii Sangganjanavanich
Leadership Development Chair: Laura Lewis
Media, Public Relations & Membership Chair: Chase Morgan-Swaney
Nominations & Elections Chair: Sherdene Simpson
OCSWMFT Board Liaison: Laci Carsey
Parliamentarian/Bylaws Chair: Kelsey Jager
Political Action Committee Chair: Shazia Naurin
Professional Development Chair: Terra Howell-Muth |