The Inaugural OCA Spring Conference
Thursday and Friday March 1-2, 2018
Crowne Plaza Hotel, Independence OH (guest rooms $92)
Double Click or right click and open the hyper link and book your hotel room: Ohio Counseling Association or call their Reservations Line at 866-840-0582 and ask for the Rate Code "OCA"
THURSDAY MARCH 1, 2018 (4.5 CEUs)
12 Noon - Registration and Exhibits
2:00pm - ACA Ethics Presentation - David Kaplan, ACA
5:30pm - A Crisis of Identity: Counselor Education, Tom Davis of Ohio University (Keynote)
7:00pm - Networking Reception Sponsored by Signature Health
FRIDAY MARCH 2, 2018 (5.5 CEUs)
8:00am - Registration, Exhibits, Breakfast
9:15am - Contemporary Issues in Trauma Counseling, Victoria Kress of Youngstown State University Sponsored by MooreCounseling
10:45am - Breakout Sessions (5 topical presentations)
12:00pm - Lunch, Networking, and Exhibits
1:15pm - Breakout Sessions (5 topical presentations)
2:30pm - Breakout Sessions (5 topical presentations)
3:45pm - Assessing Client Personality Development (keynote)
4:45pm - Adjourn until Spring 2019